At Downtown Dental Specialty, it’s far more common to see dental emergencies pop up during the holiday season than you might think. Why? Because more of us are indulging in sweets, candies, home-baked treats, and foods that easily cause a toothache or worse.
Experiencing sudden, severe tooth pain or losing a tooth during a holiday game of football can be traumatic and unnerving. On top of the pain you may be experiencing, now you’re faced with the issue of finding an emergency dentist who can see you over Christmas.
Our San Diego dental office has seen this scenario play out every year. In the unfortunate event that you find yourself looking up an emergency dentist near you, we’re happy to accommodate you!
Relief From Toothache Pain
Toothaches are one of the most common dental emergencies during Christmas. Thankfully, there are several things you can do at home to lighten the pain until you are able to see the dentist. Since most toothaches are caused by inflammation or swelling, here are some ways to ease the pain in the meantime:
- Take over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication, such as Motrin or ibuprofen as directed.
- Apply a cold compress to the affected side of your face for 20 minutes, rest, and repeat.
- If you can, chew on the opposite side of your mouth.
- To help remove debris and reduce inflammation, rinse with warm salt water several times per day.
- Clean and floss around your gumlines every day, as food could be lodged in areas, leading to additional discomfort or swelling.
- Make “miracle mouthwash” for soft-tissue injuries like rashes, blisters, or trauma.
Most Common Christmas Dental Emergencies
If you’ve broken a tooth or have a tooth that’s fallen out, you must quickly take action to save your smile. Once you find the missing portion of your tooth, place it in a container and cover it with milk, saline, or tap water as soon as possible. Then, call Downtown Dental Specialty to set up an appointment at your earliest opportunity and to find out how to handle your specific dental emergency.
Some of the most common dental emergencies we treat in our San Diego office include:
Toothaches: A terrible toothache can be an indicator of a serious problem. If your toothache is preventing you from eating normally, sleeping, or participating in holiday activities, it’s time to call our office.
Abscessed Teeth: Dental abscesses are a red flag that a tooth’s nerve is dying or has undergone some type of trauma. Even if it doesn’t feel painful, some abscessed teeth are known to expand into adjacent structures and cause severe pain. If endodontic therapy is not performed quickly, you could lose your tooth.
Broken Teeth: Broken or chipped teeth can be extremely sensitive and often need immediate treatment to prevent pain, further decay, infection, or tooth loss.
Tooth Avulsion (Knocked Out Teeth): While it’s not always possible to save a knocked-out tooth, our emergency dentistry team will do everything possible to replace it. If the tooth can be reinserted, a root canal is usually necessary. Otherwise, we’ll discuss replacement options with you.
Broken Fillings: When a filling falls out, teeth are especially prone to fracture and cracking. Our San Diego emergency dentist can repair the filling and limit additional tooth damage.
Denture Repairs: Dropping your partial or full denture in the bathroom can completely ruin your Christmas. Depending on how badly they’re damaged, broken dentures can cause trauma to your mouth and your self-esteem. We offer emergency repairs and adjustments for our denture patients.
Bleeding: Your mouth is highly vascular, and even small injuries can cause major bleeding. If the bleeding does not stop, you may require stitches or immediate medical attention.
Emergency Dentistry Near You (San Diego)
If you need emergency dental care over the holidays, please call our office and follow the prompts. We will contact you to walk you through the steps you need to take until we can see you in person.