Gum Disease Symptoms: What Does Dental Disease Look Like?

Are you concerned about the health of your gums? Understanding the signs and symptoms of gum disease is crucial for maintaining optimal oral health. At Downtown Dental Specialty in Downtown San Diego, CA, we’re committed to helping our patients recognize and address gum disease at its earliest stages. Let’s explore what gum disease looks like and how you can protect your smile.

What is Gum Disease?

Gum disease, or periodontal disease, is a bacterial infection that affects the tissues surrounding and supporting your teeth. It begins with the buildup of plaque and tartar along the gum line, which can lead to inflammation and infection if not properly removed. Gum disease is a progressive condition that can range from mild gingivitis to severe periodontitis, potentially resulting in tooth loss and other health-related conditions if left untreated.

Early Stages of Gum Disease Symptoms

Recognizing the early signs of gum disease is crucial for preventing its progression. Here are some symptoms to watch out for:

1. Red, swollen gums: Healthy gums should be pink and firm. It could be a sign of early gum disease if your gums appear red, puffy, or inflamed.

2. Bleeding gums: If your gums bleed easily when brushing or flossing, this is often an early indicator of gingivitis.

3. Bad breath: Bacteria accumulating in your gums can cause persistent bad breath or a bad taste in your mouth.

4. Gum recession: If your teeth appear longer because your gums are pulling away, this could be a sign of developing gum disease.

5. Sensitivity: Increased tooth sensitivity, especially near the gum line, may indicate early gum problems.

If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s essential to schedule an appointment with Downtown Dental Specialty for a thorough evaluation.

Periodontitis Is Advanced Gum Disease

When left untreated, gingivitis can progress to periodontitis, a more severe form of gum disease. Symptoms of periodontitis include:

● Deepening pockets between teeth and gums
● Loose or shifting teeth
● Changes in your bite or the way your teeth fit together
● Pus between your teeth and gums
● Pain when chewing
● Severe gum recession

Periodontitis can lead to tooth loss and may even affect your overall health, making prompt treatment essential.

Non-Surgical Treatment for Periodontitis

At Downtown Dental Specialty, we offer various non-surgical treatments for periodontitis, including:

1. Scaling and root planing: This deep-cleaning procedure removes plaque biofilm and tartar below the gum line and smooths root surfaces to promote healing.

2. Antibiotic therapy: We may recommend topical or oral antibiotics to control bacterial infection.

3. Laser therapy: Advanced laser treatments can effectively remove diseased tissue and promote healing with minimal discomfort.

4. Customized oral hygiene plans: We’ll work with you to develop a tailored home care routine to manage your gum health.

Periodontal Treatment San Diego

Living in San Diego means you have access to professional periodontal care at Downtown Dental Specialty. Our team of experts specializes in diagnosing and treating all stages of gum disease. We use the latest technology and techniques to ensure the best possible outcomes for our patients.

Why Choose Downtown Dental Specialty

At Downtown Dental Specialty, we’re committed to providing exceptional periodontal care in the heart of San Diego. Here’s why patients choose us for their gum health needs:

● Experienced team of periodontal specialists
● State-of-the-art technology and treatment options
● Personalized care tailored to your unique needs
● Comfortable, modern office in a convenient downtown location
● Comprehensive approach to oral health
● Focus on patient education and prevention

Our goal is not just to treat gum disease but to empower our patients with the knowledge and tools they need to maintain healthy gums for life.

Prioritize Your Gum Care Today

Don’t wait until gum disease progresses to seek treatment. If you’ve noticed any signs of gum disease or it’s been a while since your last dental check-up, now is the time to take action. Contact Downtown Dental Specialty today to schedule your comprehensive periodontal evaluation. Remember, healthy gums are the foundation of a beautiful smile – let’s work together to keep your gums in their best shape. Contact us today!